The New ESPN Audio Site
While the ESPN Radio space on ESPN’s umbrella site is a great resource for listeners, ESPN Audio had no online presence that really spoke to advertisers and sales opportunities… enter Barbour Design.
Since their new fall lineup came in late summer, we quickly designed and built out a clean and easy-to-navigate site that showcased:
- Highlights of each show in the fall lineup, streaming accessibility information, show descriptions, their talent, social presence, affiliate coverage, and sponsorship opportunities
- Top line network stats on coverage areas (reach), download frequencies, time spent, simulcast information and more
- Premium sponsorship solutions for clients and advertisers
- A sizzle reel on the homepage energizing viewers with the new lineup and sponsorship opportunities

“Barbour did a fantastic job designing and building our
new ESPN Audio Sales website. It’s simple and modern,
yet bold and effective. Implementing this site will allow
our sales team to have more efficient and smarter conversations in the marketplace while helping ESPN Audio grow into the ever changing digital media landscape.”
Let’s turn up the volume on your online presence.