3D Typography by Chris LaBrooy

UK designer/illustrator Chris LaBrooy has a really impressive body of 3D work. His attention to detail and use of texture is great…the possibilities are endless. A little envious of his amazing skills.

Via chrislabrooy.com

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  1. LUIDRUSTIG on January 8, 2013 at 6:56 pm

    Reblogged this on LDRSTG.

  2. […] available here) is really something, and reminiscent of some other typographic wonders (here and here and here). Their project entitled “Ride” is not too shabby either. These guys are […]

  3. Implausible Pliability | BARBOUR DESIGN on November 18, 2014 at 11:30 am

    […] the…!? The unbelievable work of UK designer/illustrator Chris LaBrooy (previously featured here) elicits confusion, amazement and delight all at the same time. LaBrooy’s tremendously realistic […]

  4. […] creating surreal digital compositions that defy logic and reason (previous posts here and here). Aptly titled simply 911, and set in what appears to be picturesque Palm Springs, LaBrooy pays […]