Complex Portraiture by Carne Griffiths

Unconventional materials used to create art may seem gimmicky and gratuitous to some, but in this case they add depth and interest to the work. London-based artist Carne Griffiths has mastered the marriage of calligraphy inks and graphite with liquids such as tea, brandy, and vodka. These exquisite and complex portraits (for sale here) involve highly detailed floral and organic flourishes layered with portraiture and other geometric forms. And all done without the aid of Photoshop. Griffiths’ eye for color and intricacy is quite something. Would love to see him illustrate narrative… his work seems to tell a story already.


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  1. Carne Griffiths | justplainart on November 19, 2013 at 5:53 pm

    […] Complex Portraiture by Carne Griffiths ( […]