Delightful Duo

We realize not everyone is into dogs (or kids), but this series of portraits by Los Angeles-based photographer Grace Chon is irresistibly endearing. Chon’s subjects are her toddler son Jasper, and her 7 year old rescue mutt from Taiwan named Zoey. Chon dons both dog and child in matching outfits, then snaps away. Easy enough, right? Well, getting a dog or child to cooperate with such shenanigans is more difficult than it looks. But Chon pulls it off beautifully time after time. There is an undeniable innocence and loving bond captured here, and we credit Chon’s superb skills and instincts as professional photographer and doting mother.

Via and Tumblr

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  1. The Dog People | BARBOUR DESIGN on September 24, 2015 at 10:21 am

    […] More pet portraiture posts here and here. […]

  2. Playing Dress Up | BARBOUR DESIGN on September 12, 2016 at 11:09 am

    […] If you love these photos, check out a previous playful post (here). […]