Fantastic Food Photos

We must admit we have a soft spot for food sculptures (here, here and here). Romanian artist/photographer Dan Cretu’s impressive body of work consists of many such mini-sculptures. And even more impressive, his photographs aren’t digitally altered. From a citrus camera to a veggie boom box, Cretu takes particular care in working quickly due to the short shelf life of the food with which he works. Really imaginative work.

Via Tumblr and Facebook

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  1. pelly*made on July 19, 2013 at 8:07 pm

    Lovely )

  2. Food for Thought | BARBOUR DESIGN on August 30, 2013 at 11:03 am

    […] do have a certain fondness for food photography (here, here and here), so when we come across something special, we have to share. Allan Peters, […]

  3. Fresh Picked Typography | BARBOUR DESIGN on March 6, 2014 at 9:25 am

    […] Sometimes you’ll find excellent examples of experimental typography in the most unexpected places. Take this terrific print ad from a Lithuanian grocer, for example. Under the art direction of Lithuanian designer Ignas Kozlovas by way of McCann Erickson, this typographic arrangement of real produce displays mastery in Photoshop, as well as an excellent eye for composition. Really well executed… would love to see the rest of the alphabet. Some other examples of produce in design here and here and here. […]