Food Meets Fashion

It’s often said that fashion inspiration comes from a really wide and diverse assortment of sources, and we’re certain food is one of them. The work of San Francisco-based artist Gretchen Röehrs makes for a pretty amusing and rather literal interpretation of such influence. Röehrs dresses up her whimsical fashion sketches with a variety of…

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Split by Weston Doty

The talent coming out of Savannah College of Art and Design is quite remarkable. And the work of SCAD senior Weston Doty, currently studying Graphic Design and Photography, is particularly notable. We’re especially taken with Doty’s project titled Split, which he describes as “observation & experimentation of form + color”. We admit that we have…

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Surreal Scrabble Ads

There’s something to be said for visually arresting advertising… when few or no words are necessary. And it’s ironic that this series promoting, of all things, Scrabble, uses barely any words at all. Yet we immediately get what is being conveyed. Russian/Ukrainian creative agency Twiga developed these terrific ads that could probably stand on their…

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