Flore Maquin: Movie Poster Mistress

When done well, reimagining movie posters (here and here and here) never gets old. Movie poster design presents a unique challenge to designers… it’s usually one of the first representations of a movie people see, so there’s a tall order to embody an often complex story with a single image. French designer and illustrator Flore…

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EveryHey: Daily Pop Culture Illustrations

Barcelona design firm Hey Studio has a thing for pop culture and illustration. They married these two loves into a fruitful serial project (others here and here and here) that has boosted their social media presence to over 50K Instagram followers. Though the project, called EveryHey, seems to have since ceased, Hey Studio posted over…

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Pop Culture-Centric Poster Art by Joshua Budich

The landing page of Baltimore-based artist Joshua Budich’s website simply states “born to illustrate.” That’s a loaded declaration, but Budich certainly has the goods to back it up. His eclectic body of work is quite impressive, with an obvious love for pop culture. His style is reminiscent of comic book art, which lends itself to…

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Famous Costumes

Yes, we are suckers for series, and we especially love this one. Brazilian designer/illustrator Frederico Birchal depicts famous figures from music, movies and television with just costumes. Birchal’s attention to detail really elevates this series. Awesome concept, excellent execution. Well done! Via Behance

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