Superb Typographic Structures

We love alphabet-based typography work (here and here), and artwork from everyday objects (here and here), so we are naturally drawn to this series, STRUCTURE x Type, by Indian design student Rigved Sathe. With form and structure in mind, Sathe created each individual letter from an object (or objects) corresponding to the letter. We love…

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Fool’s Paradise: The Artwork of Hikaru Cho

Japanese artist and student Hikaru Cho seems to employ her stellar artistic skills with a single purpose: illusion. Whether it be illustration, body painting, or sculpture, Cho aims to woo viewers with deception… in a (usually) playful, lighthearted manner, of course. Her work can be a bit unnerving at times… adding extra eyes, misplacing ears,…

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Striking Student-Conceived Swirling Faucet

In many industries, some of the most innovative ideas come from young minds. And that is certainly the case here. Simin Qiu, product/industrial design student at the prestigious Royal College of Art in London, conceived the beautiful Swirl faucet. Not only is it aesthetically brilliant, with its elaborately patterned latticework of water streams which are…

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The Medium is the Message

We really like the commitment of promising young UK designer Thomas Wightman. Showcased here are two school projects by the recent grad. That’s right, school projects. Wightman aimed high with these tremendously conceptual sculptures, and executed them with perfection. The intricate details are truly astounding. The objective of the assignments (aptly titled The Medium is…

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All in One: 12-Course Meal in a Can

London design student Chris Godfrey’s twisted creation “All in One” serves as part of a dissertation on the ridiculous paradox presented by today’s age of consumerism: our general love of “quality” and “luxury” products, juxtaposed with our greater obsession with convenience. If you were to read this 12-course meal on a menu, you’d surely salivate.…

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Truth and Lies

Savannah, Georgia-based freelance designer and SCAD student Justin Barber (no relation to us) has tapped into his branding and identity skills for this witty series about everyday white lies, uncovering the difference between what we say and what we mean. Well done. Via

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