Crowning Culinary Photography Achievements of Mathieu Lévesque

The work of Montreal-based Mathieu Lévesque is, quite simply, a masterclass in food photography. We are in awe of Lévesque’s ability to apply his own creative vision to everything he (re)touches. His attention to detail is remarkable. And the wit and whimsy present in so much of his work elevates it to the next level.…

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The Fruit Bearing Imagination of Sarah Illenberger

We are particularly taken with artists who revamp and re-envision everyday objects (here and here and here), giving new meaning to something very familiar. Berlin-based multi-disciplinary artist Sarah Illenberger is particularly adept at this approach, and we especially like her work involving food (which is reminiscent of the great Brock Davis). Illenberger’s conceptual and compelling…

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New York Normal

Moving from Wisconsin to New York City could induce culture shock for some. Graphic designer Rebecca Sloat channeled such potential disorientation into a fun, witty graphic observation that “pokes fun at the many nuances that make New York what it is.” Sloat’s superb illustration skills really elevate this delightful series to the next level. Well…

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