Designer Playing Cards

UK promotional/gift products company Hundred Million has hit the nail on the head with one particular niche product (catering to design geeks like ourselves, of course): CMYK Playing Cards. It’s actually a wonder that no one has developed these before, but from what we can see, Hundred Million did a bang up job translating traditional playing cards to something every designer could appreciate and love. In their own words, Hundred Million says: “Brilliantly stripping away all the heritage and history of good playing card design, we’ve removed everything we could, the suits have been swapped for the printer’s choice of ink: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black, and the design on the back created from the kind of utilitarian registration marks and checks usually never seen by the public.”


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  1. lensandpensbysally on April 11, 2013 at 12:48 pm

    Thanks again for bringing attention to yet another design product for me to enjoy. These cards make it a lot easier than Pantones packaged item of their colors.

  2. L. Marie on April 15, 2013 at 10:06 am

    These are gorgeous! Now I want a set.