Precise Portraiture

Portugal-based artist (and attorney) Samuel Silva has incredible technical skill with a ballpoint pen, of all things. “It’s not about what you use, it’s about how you use it,” says Silva. Say what you will about the subject matter (some say there is no artistic merit, since he is just copying photos and such), but there’s no denying that this self-taught artist/hobbyist has incredible skills.



  1. Hyperrealistic Raconteur « BARBOUR DESIGN on October 8, 2012 at 10:04 am

    […] German artist Dirk Dzimirsky digs deep when he tackles a portrait. With just pencil and paper, Dzimirsky attempts to portray “not only the physical attributes, but more importantly the subject’s inner presence of life.” These stunning hyperrealistic drawings are so detailed, it’s often difficult not to think you’re staring at a photograph. Dzimirsky goes on to describe is technique as “both representational and lyrical, using marks like words and textured areas like paragraphs” to tell a story. Check out some equally incredible realistic works here and here. […]