Striking Symmetry: FamilyTree Series by Bobby Neel Adams

Family resemblance is a curious thing. When two immediate family members look so much alike, it can be jarring. North Carolina bred, Arizona based photographer Bobby Neel Adams capitalizes on this phenomenon of startling likeness in his stellar FamilyTree series. Adams captures portraits of two immediate family members (usually mother/daughter and father/son pairings) dressed and posed similarly. Rather than a tidy side-by-side composition, Adams tears them down the middle, then places two halves together. This technique works so well, both conceptual and aesthetically. Well done.


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  1. Wardrobe Snacks | BARBOUR DESIGN on September 15, 2017 at 9:57 am

    […] snack, almost zen-like.” Prints available here. More conceptual photography posts here and here and […]